Vision Statement

At St Therese’s Catholic community we envisage a school where:

  • An individual’s personal relationship with Jesus is nurtured within the tradition of a Catholic community that is prayerful, accepting and loving.
  • The wellbeing of each member is nurtured through building positive relationships and respecting the dignity and talents of individuals.
  • We are successful learners. Our school is a safe, harmonious and engaging learning environment. Everyone works together cooperatively and is responsible for their learning.

Mission Statement

St Therese’s Catholic Primary School is part of St Agatha’s Parish, Cranbourne. Our staff are committed to teaching the Catholic traditions and to the spiritual tradition of Saint Therese of Lisieux.

Inspired by Saint Therese’s belief that even the smallest act of love is large in the eyes of Jesus and her commitment to do the simple things extraordinarily well, our school is committed to valuing young people and their development as persons with a lifelong love of learning.

The school undertakes to nurture in the students their cognitive, affective and spiritual development, to enable them to find God in all things, to enable them to live out their vocation in life according to God’s plan and the variety of their gifts and to encourage them to serve others with an understanding of Saint Therese’s words: “It is love alone that matters,” Saint Therese of Lisieux.

Junior Library