English as an Additional Language

We are one but we are many

Many families come to our school from all across the globe and for many students, English is not their first language. For students who are learning English as an additional language, this includes recognising and valuing their home language and background. As a school, we are aware that bilingualism is a strength and that EAL students have a valuable contribution to make. We take a whole school approach, incorporating Catholic ethos, curriculum, education against racism and promoting language awareness. 

The New Arrivals and Recent Arrivals program supports students and their families whose first language is not English, who have Refugee or Migrant status and who are eligible for funding from the Australian Government via the Catholic Education Office.

We aim to:

  • welcome and value the cultural, linguistic and educational experiences that students with EAL bring to the school
  • assist EAL students to become confident and fluent in speaking and listening, reading and writing in English in order to fulfil their academic potential
  • encourage and enable parental support on improving the students’ attainment
  • be able to assess the skills and needs of students with EAL and to give appropriate provision throughout the school
  • monitor students’ progress systematically and use the data in decision making about classroom management, differentiation and curriculum planning
  • maintain students’ self-esteem and confidence by acknowledging and giving status to their skills in their own languages (For example, Harmony Day celebrations)