
Students are expected to wear the Summer (Term's 1&4) or Winter (Term's 2&3) School Uniform. Wearing a school uniform instills a sense of pride and fairness for all.

Uniform can be purchased from PSW

Unit 2, 10-12 South Link, Dandenong South VIC 3175

Normal Hours

Tuesday - Friday 10am - 5pm

Saturday 10am - 1pm

Sunday - Monday Closed

Some second-hand uniforms are also available from the school at the front office.

We are a SunSmart School

As a SunSmart School, all teachers and students are required to wear hats when outdoors from September till April. Students who have misplaced their hats can play under the sheltered areas. Student hats are navy and with the school logo embroidered, they come in both broad-rimmed and legionnaire styles. Hats can also be purchased from the PSW store.